Cardio support / Coenzyme Q10

Our bodies naturally produce Coenzyme Q10, which converts fats and sugars into cellular energy. However, the body`s production of CoQ10 declines as we age. Changing your daily supplement of CoQ10 to the more absorbable form of ubiquinol is especially beneficial if you are over the age of 40, or are taking statin drugs, which have been shown to decrease CoQ10 levels in the body.

Ubiquinol, also known as QH, is the active antioxidant form of CoQ10, a naturally occurring nutrient found in every cell in the body. It stimulates cellular energy production, helps to maintain and support cardiovascular health and functions as an antioxidant to impede free radical oxidation.

The ideal way to increase the ubiquinol intake is to supplement daily with Cardio Support, a unique product that combines ubiquinol from yeast with Udo`s Oil 3-6-9 Blend that is made from certified organic unrefined seed oils which help optimize the body`s absorption and utilization of ubiquinol.

Since ubiquinol is more bio available than CoQ10, it can achieve the same effect with much smaller doses. Supplementing with Cardio Support restores healthy levels of CoQ10 in the body, resulting in increased energy and stamina as well as better overall health.

Cardio support
Udo`s Choice Cardio support

Cardio support:

Helps to maintain and support cardiovascular health

Helps the body produce energy, even as we age

Provides antioxidants to protect cells, tissues and organs from free radical damage

Supports immune function

Each softgel capsule contains 50 mg of Ubiquinol (CoQH, reduced form of coenzyme Q10 from yeast) in a base of Udo`s Oil 3-6-9 Blend

Udo`s Oil enhances the absorption of QH

Cardio Support is 3 to 8 times more bio available than CoQ10

All natural, free of allergens and GMO-sourced ingredients

Packaged in environmentally-friendly amber glass bottles


Ubiquinol is the name for the reduced or active antioxidant form of coenzyme Q10. It is an important nutrient that supports cellular energy production, helps to maintain and support cardiovascular health, and functions as an antioxidant to reduce free radical damage.


Coenzyme Q10`s full name is Ubiquinone. QH, the reduced form of CoQ10, is known as Ubiquinol.  QH (ubiquinol) picks up where CoQ10 (ubiquinone) leaves off.  90% of what is found in blood concentrations of this nutrient is in the reduced QH form.


For healthy people, the conversion from coenzyme Q10 to QH occurs naturally. As we age the ability of our body to produce CoQ10 declines, and additionally the ability of our body to reduce or convert CoQ10 to QH is diminished with age or oxidative stress. QH/CoQ10 ratios in plasma have been shown to be lower than normal in people with cardiovascular, neurological, liver-related, and diabetes related conditions. Supplementing with QH is especially important to provide effective lipid soluble antioxidant defense for these conditions and to maintain optimum levels for increased stamina and energy.


QH is a critical component of ATP (energy) production for every cell of your body, along with CoQ10. CoQ10 and QH are constantly being converted back and forth in cells while ATP is being produced for cellular energy.  So both forms are present in the cells, but we don’t need to supplement both forms. Flora has created this QH™ Plus product with Udo`s Oil 3-6-9 Blend in its base for superior absorption.


Looking at the number of conditions that low levels of CoQ10/QH are associated with, it is obvious that this is an essential nutrient – especially for the elderly or those dealing with a health condition like the ones mentioned below. Most of the research done so far used CoQ10 and the dosage information below reflects amounts needed for therapeutic benefits with CoQ10 only. QH dosages would be significantly less. This information is presented purely for educational purposes – it is not intended as a treatment guide for any health condition or disease. Consult a healthcare practitioner for how this information might pertain to your own health.


Coenzyme Q10 – 150-300 mg daily:

– Improves cellular energy production and decreases symptoms of edema and dyspnoea (difficulty breathing). Naturally occurring CoQ10 is found in high concentrations in heart muscle cells and may be deficient in people with congestive heart failure. CoQ10 was also studied for patients at risk for heart attacks and found to help reduce the chance of emboli occurring, reduced the likelihood of heart attacks happening, and reduced the chance of the patient dying from the heart attack. 120 mg per day was the dose used in this study and it lasted for one year.

– Improves circulation to help lower blood pressure and improve heart function; also functions as an antioxidant to prevent oxidation of cholesterol. It also helps to raise HDL levels and lower LDL levels of cholesterol.

– Is an excellent antioxidant that has been shown to help with the fatigue and itching that can occur with cirrhosis of the liver.

– CoQ10 is an important antioxidant and regulator of cellular energy. People with Parkinson`s have low levels of this supplement. 300-1200 mg per day for up to 16 months has been shown to decrease the degenerative effects of the disease. Those dosages were under a doctor’s supervision; for self-medication 120 mg per day is the maximum advised. Some evidence suggests that Coenzyme Q10 enhances the activity of the enzyme that breaks down the amino acid tyrosine in the brain. Tyrosine is a pre-cursor to the neurotransmitter dopamine.

– Research specific to QH (ubiquinol) is just beginning to gear up with studies on neurodegenerative disease and cardiovascular health already underway. So far, preliminary research has proven the superior bioavailability of QH as well as clinical improvement in left ventricular functioning of the heart. This involved a 24 to 50% increase in the heart`s ability to pump blood and improved life expectancy.


Udo`s Choice

„Low fat diets are risky and may increase your chances of infections, allergies, behavioral problems and exhaustion“, says world-renowned nutrition expert Udo Erasmus, PhD, author of the bestselling book Fats that heal fats that kill. „Short-term weight-loss programs like starvation diets, fat blockers and diet pills over-stimulate the body and do more harm than good. Additionally, diets that promise fat loss by avoiding fats fail 90% of the time.“

Our bodies can make healthy cells if they receive essential building blocks – essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, amino acids – from quality foods. These building blocks are essential and our bodies need them to survive and thrive. Our health degenerates when we do not receive these nutrients from food. Wholesome greens, fibre, enzymes, Probiotics and essential fatty acids are key to the success of Udo`s Choice powerful health program. The products are prepared from premium seeds, herbs, whole foods and food concentrates formulated with health in mind. For research-based, visible, long-term health results, choose Udo`s Choice health products.



Coenzyme Q10 is one of the ten types of coenzyme Q that are found in nature, but the only one that is used by humans. While it is a very important fat-soluble antioxidant, it’s most beneficial for enhancing heart health and circulation. This is because CoQ10 helps the heart use oxygen and energy effectively, which is crucial; for as a muscle (and obviously the most important one in the body; CoQ10 optimizes the heart’s ability to pump blood effectively.


Increased Need for CoQ10

Our bodies actually product CoQ10, but as we age – especially after the age 40 – its production begins to decline to such a level that by the time we are in our sixties our CoQ10 levels are only about 10% of what they were when we were in our thirties. Supplementing with a good quality coenzyme Q10 can help to replenish this shortfall and produce significant benefits for our health, at a time in people`s lives when they can need it most. Some studies have shown that as many as 75% of people are deficient in coenzyme Q10.

However, aging is not the only reason people can need to take a CoQ10 supplement. Exposure to toxins and pollutants result in severe oxidative stress from free radicals which deplete coenzyme Q10 and create a great need for more. Illnesses that put stress on the immune system will also deplete your coenzyme Q10 resources as it enhances tissue oxygenation.


Questions & Answers:


How does it work and what does it do in the body?


QH is a producer of ATP/energy in the cell as well as a lipid soluble antioxidant. It is essential for proper cellular respiration and mitochondrial functioning. Many people experience noticeable energy improvements when using QH; for example, more sustained energy and endurance for athletes.


What is the difference in bio availability of CoQ10 compared to QH?


This can vary from person to person but the range is roughly 3-8 times more bio availability for QH. At the upper range, this would mean that 300 mg of QH is equivalent to 2400 mg of CoQ10.


What type of yeast is used?


The manufacturer of our QH considers the species or strain of the yeast to be intellectual property & does not publish this info. We are assured that the QH is highly purified from yeast, has GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) status, is non-GMO, BSE-free & is manufactured according to pharmaceutical GMP standards.


Are there any drug interactions?


No interactions are expected, but due to QH`s positive effects on cardiovascular health, it is recommended that anyone using blood pressure medication or blood thinners consult their doctor. Due to its safety and efficacy for energy production and antioxidant protection, doctors familiar with its chemistry and research refer to CoQ10/QH as one of those “essential for a trip to a desert island” supplements.


Why should some people take QH, the reduced form, instead of CoQ10? What prevents the conversion from CoQ10 to QH?


For most people, poor cellular functioning or metabolic problems that crop up due to aging combined with poor diet can contribute to poor conversion. Certain neurodegenerative diseases may also involve a genetic mutation in the body not being able to produce CoQ10 and QH as well.


How long should one take it for?


5-7 days to see improvements and then 2-3 weeks for blood plasma levels to reach their peak and then plateau. For healthy people, 200-300 mg/day is the maximum suggested for 2-3 weeks, followed by a reduced dosage of 50-100 mg as a maintenance dose thereafter. For those with a health issue, higher amounts can be taken under a health care practitioner`s advice.


Where is your QH sourced from?


Our QH is the Kaneka brand. It is the only one on the market derived from yeast and it represents 10 years of research work involving non-invasive animal studies, safety studies, case studies, and full clinical trials including clinical studies for cardiovascular disease and neurodegenerative diseases like Huntington`s, Parkinson`s, and ALS. A study is also planned with regard to people taking statin medications as these medications have been associated with side effects related to depleting CoQ10/QH levels in the body.


Why is it together with Udo`s Oil in the capsule?


This is because QH and CoQ10 have been found to be better absorbed by the body when taken with fatty, oily nutrients.



What is the stability like? I`ve heard it isn`t as stable as regular coenzyme Q10.


Ubiquinol (QH) degrades quickly in air while ubiquinone (coenzymeQ10) is air stable, it’s true. This is another reason why our QH+ is in an oil base and in a soft gel. This makes the product more stable – even more so than if we used a hard gelatine capsule. Our QH+ has a shelf life of 2 years from manufacture.


What does QH stand for?


The Q is for CoQ10 – the H refers to the reduced form – although formally it should be H2.


Martin Petro WNBF Pro